Monday, August 15, 2016

New Feature!

Hey ya'll I've added a new feature to my blog! All of Catching Fire's videos and my videos!! So check that out (at the top of page)!

God Bless and ve con Dios!!


  1. neato idea...
    Clo,Is.53:5,#UNASHAMED,, YouTube channel-Clo Hale

  2. AWESOME!!! I was hoping you would do that! Super cool! I'm going to watch all the ones I haven't seen really soon! :D


Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by! Your're always welcome here! I hope you have had a load of fun and receive a blessing from God! Know you ARE SO LOVED by Jesus today! I so enjoy comments and mostly always answer them back!

That NOTHING can stand against

*this is a post I did on my social media accounts* 🎶Oh, yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley Yes I will, bless Your name O...