Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Blog Party Schedule!

Hey! Here's the schedule for tomorrow nights blog party, here at 6:00-7:00 (or maybe :30, please let me know what you think?)PM CST!
Now if you have any more ideas please let me know!

1: Opening
2: A Game of "Would You Rather?" 
3: Authors Questions to Readers
4: A look back at my first post
5: Q&A
6: Closing

Hope to see all ya'll there!!!

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee...
1 Corinthains 12:9 KJV


  1. Super excited! Can't wait! :)

  2. I might be able to make it... If I do, I will probably be late. ): I'll definitely try though! I'm really hoping I make it. I was so sad to miss out last time! I don't know... We'll see.
    -Grace A. B. H.


Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by! Your're always welcome here! I hope you have had a load of fun and receive a blessing from God! Know you ARE SO LOVED by Jesus today! I so enjoy comments and mostly always answer them back!

That NOTHING can stand against

*this is a post I did on my social media accounts* 🎶Oh, yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley Yes I will, bless Your name O...