Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Q&A with Serengheti (New Years Blog Week Day 4)

Q&A With Serengheti

Beth: Hey Serengheti! Thanks for being here today.

Serengheti: Hey! Glad to be here!

Beth: Okay so let's get on with the questions. Ready? 

Q: Currently what is your favorite song?

 A: Oh man... my favorite song? That has to be a three-way tie between
- Hall of Fame by the Script
- Crazy=Genius by Panic! At the Disco
And -Turn the Music Up by NF

Q:  Do you have a favorite band?

 A: Yes! I have many... but I really like Family Force 5 haha!

Beth: Haha! I know much much you like them!

Q:  Okay if you had to pick a Christian band to meet, that you hadn't me before, who would it be?

A: A Christian band I haven't met before... OBB definitely... or Capital Kings... or Toby Mac... oh my I think I have a problem. I don't know! :)

Beth: So cool!! I love CK and TM!!

Q: If you could travel any place in the world, where would it be?

A: Anywhere? Wow.... Egypt, hands down. I've always been a huge fan of the Egyptian lifestyles and their mythology.

Beth: Cool!!

Q. Do you prefer spring, summer, fall, or winter?

A: Winter! I prefer being cold haha

Beth: Me too!

Q: What's your favorite holiday?

A: Is my birthday a holiday? Just kidding. I love New Years.

Beth: Haha! Me too!

Q: What's your favorite book in the Bible?

A: Revelation.

Q: Do you have more of an adventuress side or calm side?

A: Definitely adventurous. I'm always ready to try new things, and if I ever fall or make a mistake, its way better to laugh about it then be mortified.

Beth: Cool! I'm adventurous too!!

Thanks for answering all those questions! Before we leave do you have any advice to give our readers for the New Year?

Serengheti: Advice? Hmmm... Be weird. This nation's society right now really focuses on "fitting in". I definitely know what it's like to be pressured into fitting in. I would be focused on clothes and what others were think of me, and when i was at public or church events, I rarely was having fun.
Then one day (I think I was around 14), i came to the realization that being "normal" was boring! Now don't get me wrong, changing from "normal" to myself was a long trip. People would ask me if I was okay. I even lost some friends. 
Losing one of my friends was really painful, so I started praying that God would bring people into my life that would accept me and my personality, and help me to build and grow. Not even a week later, I met some new people at a summer camp, people who were welcoming. And better yet? Many of them lived in my hometown!
So the moral of the story is, if you're "weird", then you are you. If you are you, than you are awesome! That's why when I end videos or letters or even blog posts, i say: 

"Be weird, be you, be awesome."

God bless guys!!

 Serengheti Rose is a 15 year old girl from the St Louis area. She loves listening to music, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people.  She is hoping and waiting for God to bring her her one and only spouse. She can't wait for what God has in store for her in the coming years. She also is kicking off a YouTube channel [channel name: Serengheti Rose]  Be Weird, Be You, Be Awesome.


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That NOTHING can stand against

*this is a post I did on my social media accounts* 🎶Oh, yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley Yes I will, bless Your name O...