Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A little Christmas Story

Maybe this Christmas I will go to a Image result for holiday inn movie  and have a Image result for white Christmas or become  Image result for princess for christmas then I would get a  Image result for a grown for christmas halmark   Or maybe I will make a ton of cookies and have a Image result for a cookie cutter christmas dvd .  Rest assured I will have a Image result for a family for christmas. And maybe we will all sit around and talk about past Christmas times, after all Image result for every christmas has a story cast.    Or maybe I'll have Image result for a charlie brown christmas Maybe I'll even sing Image result for christmas carol movie latest version  But I must always remember that the true Image result for Christmas miracle dvd is that Jesus Christ was born, He is theImage result for the christmas child and that' why it's Image result for Christmas with a capital c 
and through Him, Image result for It's a wonderful life



  1. Hahaha that's awesome! I like it! Very creative! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you liked it!!! Merry Christmas!!

  2. This was the neatest thing ever!! I so enjoyed it! Neato!!!

  3. I wish I had thought of it! very neat and creative! great job!
    Is.53:5, Phil.4:13, #UNASHAMED, heresclo.blogspot.com, YouTube channel-Becky Coleman's Badge

  4. Hahaha!! Very creative :) That was so awesome, Beth!

  5. Awe this so ccccccccccccooooooolllllll!!!!!!!!!! Lovez ya Beth!

  6. Aw this is great!! Love it!! :)


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That NOTHING can stand against

*this is a post I did on my social media accounts* 🎶Oh, yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley Yes I will, bless Your name O...